Empowering kids to bring balance to their lives.
Empowering kids to bring balance to their lives.
Mindful Powers™ is a kid-first, holistic approach to building social-emotional learning through the power of play. Built on a skills-based methodology that helps children in early and middle childhood build a healthier relationship with life, stress, and anxiety, Mindful Powers™ empowers kids to bring calm to their lives at the touch of their fingertips.

Mindful Powers™ is designed to let kids take control of complex – and often scary – emotions, through:

Mindful play

Mindful Play

Through a series of progressive voice-guided stories, kids learn how to master the powers of mindfulness – the ability to know and understand what is happening in one’s head at any given moment without getting carried away by it. Before each story, kids sooth their very own Flibbertigibbet™ who is in an agitated state with the touch of their finger. This sensory-based repetitive interaction triggers the body’s rest and digest response, helping kids relax and regain focus.

Focus time

Focus Time

The Flibbertigibbet™ self-set timer helps kids set mental parameters around a given task by applying designated focus time until completion. When the focus timer is on, Mindful Powers™ deters kids from using the device for any other purpose, encouraging them to work towards completing their tasks.

Flibbertigibbet made me cool down.
“Mindful Powers™ is not a cookie cutter approach to mindfulness. Based on contextual behavioral science and inspired by an approach to therapy called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, it recognizes that the mindfulness experience is a psychological experience that can be learned in small bits and gradually presented and trained.”
— Dr. Roger Vilardaga, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University, mindfulness expert and advisor to Mindful Powers
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2018 W3 Gold Award Winner & 2018 Davey Gold Award Winner Kidscreen Awards 2019: Best Original Learing App

Honorable mentions:

Finalist: 2018 Cynopsis Imagination Awards - Mobile App – K6-11